Colloidal Silver | Silver Colloids

Colloidal Silver Product Tutorials

Take a look at our colloidal silver product reports, detailing the best and most current research on silver colloids and the effects of ionic silver.

An online tutorial that explains zeta potential, its theory, and practical applications to colloid stability. These pages reproduced with permission of Malvern Instruments Ltd.

Particle Sizing - An Introduction

By Dr. Alan Rawle – This is an excellent introduction to the science of particle sizing. Dr. Rawle explains various measurement techniques and the pros and cons of each and why the use of electron microscopy is not suitable for particle size characterization. These pages reproduced with permission of Malvern Instruments Ltd.

The Use Of The Malvern Zetasizer For The Measurement Of Zeta Potential

An Online tutorial that specifically describes the use of the Zetasizer for particle size characterization. These pages reproduced with permission of Malvern Instruments Ltd.

If you buy a colloidal silver product, how will you know it’s the right one?