The FDA Admits It Has No Clinical Data Suggesting Colloidal Silver Is Unsafe for Human Use
Here is an actual correspondence from the FDA related to the FDA-FOIA on Colloidal Silver. Here they admit no clinical data is supporting bogus claims made about drug interactions with Colloidal Silver.

October 14th, 1999
Food and Drug Administration
U.S. Department Of Health and
Human Services
Public Health Service
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857Dear Sirs/Madam,
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and in regard to your August 17th, 1999 ruling regarding colloidal silver, could you please supply the following documentation on which you based your decision?
1. The number of deaths related to the consumption of colloidal silver.
2. The number of allergic reactions to the consumption of colloidal silver.
3. The number of harmful drug interactions from both OTC and prescription drugs when combined with colloidal silver.
4. The number of reported cases of Argyria from colloidal silver made with the AC or DC electrical process.
5. The number of cases of Argyria from colloidal silver that did not contain protein stabilizers.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this request.
[ name removed ]
The FDA response:
Public Health Service
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Office of Training and Communication
Freedom of Information Staff HFD-205
5600 Fishers Lane 12 B 05
Rockville, Maryland 20857
November 3, 1999
In Response Refer to File: F99-22589
[ Name Removed ], WA 98408Dear [ name removed ]:
This is in response to your request of 10/14/99, in which you requested adverse events associated with the use of Colloidal Silver. Your request was received in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research on 10/25/99.
We have searched the records from FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) and have been unable to locate any cases that would be responsive to your request.
Charges of $3.50 (Search $3.50, Review $0, Reproduction $0, Computer time $0) will be included in a monthly invoice. DO NOT SEND ANY PAYMENT UNTIL YOU RECEIVE AN INVOICE.
If there are any problems with this response, please notify us in writing of your specific problem(s). Please reference the above file number.
Hal Stepper
Freedom of Information Technician
Office of Training and Communications
Freedom of Information Staff, HFD-205